Land Kit 1.02

Land Kit 1.02 has some great improvements to Topo Kit for free and Pro users.

Create Paths Improvements for all users

More centerline formats - Not only will the Create Paths execute highly sophisticated grading for paths for filleted centerlines, but now it will also accept curves formatted in different ways; lines polylines, arcs, splines, and any frankenstein combination of these.

Flat corners - To avoid overly steep grades at corners, the new Create Paths tool will flatten grades in these areas. It will adaptively change the amount of flattening depending on the severity of the corner.

Create Paths with Variable Slope component will turn you into a Pro.

Given a centerline, an existing topo mesh, and a slope range (like 1 to 5%), this tool will help smooth out the grading to get from the beginning to the end of your path within the desired slope range. Slopes will change along the course of the path to avoid excessive cut and fill. This Pro feature is still in BETA, but will still work great for helping you think through some new paths within an existing terrain.

Variable, adaptive, slopes within one path instance


Topo Smooth mod is a game changer for Pro users

If you enjoy using breaklines to define ridges and swales, you will totally love the new Topo Smooth modification component for Topo Kit. Parametrically add whatever level of smoothing you want to whatever area of the topography you want. And you can add multiple smooth components in a series where it makes sense to do so.

Turn a simplistic gesture into a sumptuous earthwork with the Topo Smooth Modifier.

Try Land Kit version 1.02 today. Or to upgrade, simply download and replace your existing land_kit.ghpy plugin in the Grasshopper Libraries folder.


Land Kit Intro Workshop


Add Curb Cuts Component