
The complexity of parametric modeling stops many designers from moving forward. That's why we created user-friendly Workflows that do not require advanced knowledge of Grasshopper or Python.

With just a click, you can use Land Kit Workflows to start leveraging parametric modeling.

Workflows available only for Windows or Parallels, for now. If using Parallels, turn off Coherence feature.

You can also try Mini Workflows for Mac and Windows.

Starter Files

Brand new to Land Kit?

Install and Demo it using these files.

Paving Workflow

Amazing paving, made easier and more achievable.

Topo Workflow

The evolution of grading. Push, pull, and automate topography.


Performance features like carbon and water are moving to the Topo Workflow 2.0 for fuller integration with design and analysis

Planting Workflows

Rules-based planting design

We’re constantly improving Land Kit!

Let us know if you run into any snags. Don’t see something you need? Let’s us know!

Report a bug 🪲 Or ask a question on the McNeel Forum

Featured Workflows

Carbon Calculator

Carbon is moving to the Topo Workflow 2.0!

Paving Workflow

Adds modular array, tessellation, and custom pattern features into the mix.

Topo Workflow

Generate and analyze site topography from contour lines and spot elevations.

Free Performance Workflow

Iterate planting ideas with greater speed.

Paving Workflows

Paving Workflow

This workflow includes many paver types to choose from. It includes modular array, tessellation, and custom pattern features that allow you to create more refined paving layouts for your projects.

Topography Workflow

Topography Workflow

Helps you generate site topography from contour lines and spot elevations.

Use powerful topo “mods” and site design features as well

Try it in Revit.

Planting Workflows

Planting Workflow

Utilize environments and plant databases to analyze and visualize your planting. Now with more features including plants from AI prompt.

 Have an Issue or Bug?

Running into a problem you can’t solve on your own? Our team is on the McNeel Forum, ready to answer your questions. You might find that someone has already answered your question; if not, we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Be sure to add it to the forum’s “Land Kit” category.

Or submit your issue directly to us here. And we are available for hourly consulting on projects and curriculum.