Welcome to Campus!
A curated portal to help you master Land Kit.
Hone your skills, up your computation game.
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With the all the features unlocked you’ll save more time than to do more design.
Report a bug or ask a question on the McNeel Forum.

What kind of Computational Designer Are You?
Landscape Designer
Are you a designer working on a project? Our workflows can help.
Student or Professor
We support students and teachers Educational discounts.
Are you a code-savvy designer. Build your own workflows with scripts.
IT & Management
Change Management strategy to operationalize Land Kit in your firm.
Continuously expanding resource database
Free Office Hours and Paid Training Sessions
Join Free Office Hours
Every Tuesday at 7:00 am + Wednesday at 1:00 pm EST
Schedule 1-on-1 Tutoring
This paid service gives you a personalized experience.
Team Trial or Team Training
Upskill your entire team so that your firm can confidently adopt Land Kit. Learn about our 3-month Team Trial.
Project Consultation
Let our team solve the big problems for you. Our hourly consulting services get your project computational design ready using Land Kit solutions.
Shaking things up isn't easy! But that's exactly what we're doing. As an early adopter of Land Kit, you've started a journey to reshape the field of Landscape Architecture. Your experience and insights are crucial in helping us drive this transformation. Join other early adopters in providing user feedback and you can directly influence the future of our industry by helping us identify additional pain points to conventional modeling in landscape architecture.
Your feedback will shape innovation, drive change and empower your practice!
Early Adopters, We want Feedback
# The code is strong with this one.
Custom scripting allows you to create better workflows with our tools. Here are some resources to get started. >>>
Have an Issue or Bug?
Running into a problem you can’t solve on your own? Our team is on the McNeel Forum, ready to answer your questions. You might find that someone has already answered your question; if not, we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Be sure to add it to the official “Land Kit” category.
Or submit your issue directly to us here. And we are available for hourly consulting on projects and curriculum.