IT Managers

We’ll make this quick.

We know you are busy making the team work!

Land Kit Installation Help


  • For schools or teams that have more than one user per computer, you can deploy the Land Kit ghpy file to this directory: “C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\Grasshopper\Components\”

  • Your team or students could also independently use the Rhino “PackageManager” command to install Land Kit but they should not have more than one instance or version of Land Kit installed.

  • Keys can be added by putting the key (as text) in a text file here:

    • Windows: C:\ProgramData\Land Kit\key.txt

    • macOS: /Applications/Land_Kit/key.txt

  • As of 2.0.1 keys should be added for multi-user machines can be added by putting the key (as text) in a text file here:

    • Windows: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Land Kit\key.txt

    • macOS: User/Applications/Land_Kit/key.txt


  • If using Parallels for Mac, turn off Coherence when using Workflows.

  • If installing for remote machines… IF you are having issues you MAY try changing “Land Kit” to “LandKit” (with no space) for the name of the key directory.

  • Make sure any locally installed security software is not blocking This is the license server.

  • Tell your IT team that they MAY need to “whitelist” this domain for the license key to work:


Other things to know about licenses

  • Staff may be able to see the key, but we can provide a fresh key for you periodically if needed.

  • One machine per seat at a time. If licenses are taken up Land Kit will work, but paid components will not show up in the toolbar and will appear as missing components in Grasshopper definitions.

  • Install the license key on the machines that are using paid features and get more seats as demand increases.

  • When someone’s computer or Rhino crashes, they may need to restart Rhino to release the license.

  • Once a machine is using a Land Kit license in one instance of Rhino, it should work in every other instance of Rhino until the license is released.

License Subscriptions

  • One license key can work for your whole office and host as many seats as you want to us to add.

  • Maybe just start with one or two licenses. We can easily add seats or upgrades directly to your license once you have it set up.

  • Existing customers can check their subscription here.

  • Request other subscription changes here: infoATlandauDOTdesign


  • Roll out with confidence by scheduling some training from us (same email as above).

  • Office Hours, Private tutoring, and more are available on the Campus page.

  • Our new Workflows reduce the need for Grasshopper training.

  • Hire us to build custom workflows catered to your team or projects. We’ll give you all the details.

  • Our collaborative and creative team is equipped to solve a range of educational, design, visualization, and communication problems. Try us.

Landscape-Focused Tools that are future-facing

A license key unlocks much greater potential for the team.

You will help your team save so much time, a license will pay for itself and then some. Open up hours more hours that the team could be spending on drawing, engaging the community, or exploring options more effectively.

Land Kit can be used by Architects, Planners, Civil Engineers, Artists, and more. It provides capabilities for staff at all levels of your organization, with ever-expanding features and performance improvements.

♥ The Land Kit Team @ LANDAU