Add Tessellation Pattern (1.3)



add tessellation pattern

Creates a preview of a tessellation and adds it to an area


  • <A> : area to add the tessellation pattern to

  • POB : point of beginning for laying out the tessellation in the area

  • tess_geo : curves describing the tessellation module

  • origin : start point of the tessellation local to the input module

  • u_point : point that describes a step in the first direction of the pattern - generally orient with x axis

  • v_point : point that describes a step in the second direction of the pattern- generally orient with y axis

  • rotation : Number of degrees to rotate the pattern around the POB


  • <A> : area with tessellation added

  • pavers : paver outlines if you need already

  • tess_preview : A preview to show how the tessellation is working.


Free Paving Components:

Pro Paving Components:


Add Custom Pattern (1.3)


Add Pattern to Area (1.3)