Add Pattern to Area



Add Pattern to Area

Add a paving pattern to an area 


  • <A> : Area to add paving to. Paving will replace existing paving.

  • pattern : Index of pattern - 0-Grid, 1-RunningBond, 2-Hex, 3-Tri, 4-HerringBone, 5-Radial. Default = 4

  • POB : Point of beginning for each area. Default = center of area

  • length : Dimension of first or primary side. Default >> 2.0ft

  • width : Dimension of second or secondary side. Default >> 1.0ft

  • steps : Number of steps if required, like in Running Bond or Herringbone. Default = 2

  • seam : Size of seam. A larger seam will not cut into paver dimensions. Default = 0

  • rotation : Number of degrees rotate the pattern. Default = 0


  • <A> : Area with pavers added (replaced)

  • pavers : paver shapes


Add Plants Constrained


Add Path Pattern